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Unit 2: The Cell An Introduction to Metabolism Review
  1. consists of all the reactions of a living organism. These reactions are organized into metabolic .
    • pathways break down complex molecules into simpler compounds and energy (exergonic).
    • pathways build complicated molecules from simpler ones and energy (endergonic).
  2. is the ability to do , and abides by the laws of physics called .
    • The Law of Thermodynamics ( of energy) states that energy can be from one form to another, but cannot be or .
      • energy can be converted to energy of a body in motion; energy can be converted to energy through metabolism.
    • The Law of Thermodynamics states that the , or disorder, of a system increases with every process.
  3. Living systems use obtained from to maintain order. In this process some of that energy is lost as , increasing .
  4. (Adenosine TriPhosphate) is the cell's energy shuttle: energy is released when a terminal bond is broken by to produce Adenosine DiPhosphate (ADP).
  5. ATP drives chemical reactions for cellular work by , transferring a phosphate to other molecules, and is replenished by cellular (aerobic) .
  6. An is a protein that speeds up a reaction without being consumed by the reaction, and each enzyme functions within optimal temperature and pH ranges.
  7. The enzyme binds to its at the protein's the site, and facilitates the reaction by lowering its energy.
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