Chapter 15 Review: 19629/5025195

  1. Chromosome alterations matching

  2. Trisomy 21 is the result of ________ during meiosis.
    1. crossing over (wrong)
    2. nondisjunction <==== correct
    3. synapsis (wrong)
    4. fission (wrong)
    5. furrowing (wrong)
  3. The Barr body in humans is a consequence of
    1. trisomy. (wrong)
    2. sex linkage. (wrong)
    3. aneuploidy. (wrong)
    4. crossing over. (wrong)
    5. X inactivation. <==== correct
  4. In recessive X-linked diseases, the most likely scenario is:
    1. father passing disease to daughter. (wrong)
    2. mother passing disease to son. <==== correct
    3. son inherits disease from father. (wrong)
    4. daughter inherits disease from mother. (wrong)
    5. both mother and father are carriers. (wrong)
  5. Human somatic cells have ________ pairs of homologous ________.
    1. 2, sex chromosomes (wrong)
    2. 46, autosomes (wrong)
    3. 22, autosomes <==== correct
    4. 23, autosomes (wrong)
    5. 46, chromatids (wrong)
  6. In the experiment of the X-linked eye color trait at right, the expected F2 phenotype ratio is
    1. 1:1. (wrong)
    2. 1:2. (wrong)
    3. 9:1. (wrong)
    4. 3:1. <==== correct
    5. 100%. (wrong)
  7. Nondisjunction can occur when ________ fail to separate during meiosis II.
    1. homologous chromosomes (wrong)
    2. sister chromatids <==== correct
    3. sex chromosomes (wrong)
    4. sex chromatids (wrong)
    5. nuclei (wrong)